
Study in the Netherlands : MENA Scholarship Programme - 2012

The Middle East and North Africa Scholarship Programme (MENA Scholarship Programme) is initiated and fully funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Middle East and North Africa Scholarship Programme (MENA Scholarship Programme) is initiated and fully funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The programme enables mid career professionals from: Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman and Tunisia to do a short course in the Netherlands. The candidates must be nationals of and working in one of the selected countries. While scholarships are awarded to individuas, the need for training must be demonstrated in the context of the organisation for which the applicant works. The training must help the organisation develop its capacity. This means that employers must nominate an applicant and motivate his or her application in a support letter.



Decentralisation en milieu rural et gouvernance locale: renforcement des processus multi-acteurs: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Décentralisation_en_millieu_rural_et_gouvernance_locale.htm

Facilitating multi-stakeholder processes and social learning: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Facilitating_multistakeholder_processes_and_social_learning.htm

Internationl training of trainers on wetland management: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/International_training_of_trainers_on_wetland_management.htm

Optimising the performance of producers’ organisations: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Optimising_the_performance_of_producers_organisations.htm

Plant variety protection (plant breeders’ rights): http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Plant_variety_protection_Plant_breeders_rights.htm

Climate change governance: adaptation and mitigation as institutional change processes: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Climate_change_governance.htm

Ecosystem approach to fisheries: Monitoring and evaluation of resource use and fisheries impact: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Ecosystem_approach_to_fisheries.htm

Market access for sustainable development: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Market_access_for_sustainable_development.htm

Fisheries Governance: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/newsagenda/agenda/Fisheries_governance.htm

More information about the application procedure can be found in the attached “Mena Scholarship Programme 2012” brochure.


Télécharger Mena Scholarship Programme 2012” brochure