Dr. Abdelhakim KEBICHE 

(UFAS, Sétif 1, Algérie).

Thematic 1 

Urban mobility

- Le tramway à l'épreuve des mobilités dans les villes algériennes et du bassin méditerranéen, coordonné par Chantal Chanson-Jabeur et Abdelhakim Kebiche, Cahiers Géographiques de l'Ouest n° 12-13, laboratoire EGEAT, 2017.
- Tramway de Sétif : une opportunité d'articuler urbanisation et mobilité pour un « projet de ville », Cahiers Géographiques de l'Ouest n° 12-13, laboratoire EGEAT, 2017.

- Le tramway, réflexions sur des expériences méditerranéennes au miroir du projet de Sétif, in : Villes et métropoles algériennes, Cahiers du GREMAMO, n°22, L'Harmattan, 2015, 288p.

 Pr. Javier

MARTIN-VIDE (University of Barcelona, Spain).

Thematic 2

Climate change in the western Mediterranean.


  Doctor of Geography and History (1982) and a degree in Mathematical Sciences (1977). Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Barcelona. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona and corresponding member of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (Belgium) and of the Academia Malagueña de Ciencias.Specialist in probabilistic analyses of precipitation, climatologías sinóptica y urbana y cambio climático. He has participated in the projects ADVICE and IMPROVE (ancient climate series), ESPON-Climate (effects of climate change) and COST-733 (synoptic classifications). His contributions include the Concentration Index and the Western Mediterranean Oscillation. He has directed 30 doctoral theses. President of the Spanish Association of Climatology (1999-2004) and the Association of Spanish Geographers (2009-2013). Coordinator of the Grup d'Experts in Canvi Climàtic in Catalonia (2012-today) and of the Metropolitan Observatory of Climate Change (METROBS, AMB). Director of the Climatology Group (UB) since its establishment and of the Water Research Institute (Idra) (2015-today).

He has published 26 books and some 300 articles. He is on the editorial board of 15 journals, including the International Journal of Climatology. He has been reviewer of the 4th and 5th IPCC.
He has received the Serra d'Or Awards (2004 and 2019), ATLAS (2004) and ACCA (2008), and the UB Award (2017) for the best research dissemination activities (2017).


Pr. Ana CAMARASA BELMONTE (University of Valencia, Spain)

Thematic 3 Mediterranean hydrology


  Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Valencia and expert on floods on Mediterranean wadi. Defended her doctoral thesis at the University of Valencia in 1991 and worked as a hydrologist at the SAIH-Júcar Basin Process Center (1992-1994), where he participated in the development of a model for flood forecasting and in the real-time operation of the PREVIMET programme. Between 1994 and 2001 she worked as a full professor at the University of Alcalá, where she continued her research work, participating in numerous projects that addressed natural hazards, both from the applied and theoretical point of view. During this period he spent research stays in different countries: England (University of Salford); Mexico (UAEM); Argentina (University of Rio Cuarto) and Chile (PUC).

In 2002, she returned as a full professor to the University of Valencia, where she directed several projects related to flood risk. In 2012 he joined the body of professors of Physical Geography. Since then he has focused his research on the specificity of Mediterranean hydrology, as well as on the issues of danger, vulnerability and risk in semi-arid basins. He has also directed several contracts with the Valencian Agency for Safety and Emergency Response, aimed at studying extreme events, risk mapping and 112 CV calls (for incidences caused by rainfall episodes).

Pr.Adil SALHI (Abdelmalek Essaadi University of Tétouan, Morocco).

Thematic 4  Hydroclimatic risks in the Maghreb, perception and social resilience

 Degree in Geology 2002 (Department of Geology, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan), DESA in Sedimentary Environments and Natural Resources (Department of Geology) 2002 to 2004, Master in Water Engineering (Higher Polytechnic School 2004 to 2006) University of Seville: Seville, Andalusia. DEA in Earth Sciences (Faculty of Earth Sciences 2005 to 2007) University of Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalonia, Doctorate in Géologie (Géologie) 2004 to 2008, University of Barcelona / Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan: Barcelona / Tétouan. Expert Advisor (Technical Studies) 2010-03 to 2014-02, ATECEMA (Technical and Environmental Assistance of Morocco): Tetouan, University Professor (Department of Geography) 2009-01 to present, Head (Geo-Development Research Team), 2013-12 to present. Coordinator (Laboratoire de Géomorphologie), 2015-01 to present. Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, AUF Best Scientist 2019. International Expert. Full Professor and Head of the 'Geography and Development Research Group' (Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco). Making research on Geography, Environment and Hydroclimatic risks. Working on several R&D international projects.


Pr. Jose DAMIÁN RUIZ-SINOGA (University of Malaga, Spain).

Thematic 5 

Land degradation as an indicator of Global Change

  full Professor of physical geography. University of Malaga. Researcher head of research group "Physics geography and territory". Research Topics: Soil-water-plant relationships at different scales; Processes of desertification and soil degradation in Mediterranean environments; Water erosion; Impact of global warming in the South of Spain. Extreme events. He has research experience on water issues in international cooperation projects in Cuba (University of Havana) and in Mexico (University of Tamaulipas). Other research projects deal with rainfall-induced erosion processes; soil infiltration, the role of human and socio-economic aspects in the integral management of watersheds and the incidence of the EU directive of abandonment of crops on soil degradation processes.  He is involved in more than 130 papers.

Pr. Marta MARTÍNEZ ARNÁIZ (University of Burgos, Spain).

Thematic 6

Geography, Landscape and Heritage.

 Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis in the Department of History, Geography and Communication of the University of Burgos. His research focuses on the analysis of the socioeconomic dynamics of rural areas in demographic recession and, more specifically, in mountain and disadvantaged areas, this being the central theme of his doctoral thesis, a regional geography study on the north-western sector of the province of Las Loras y de la Paramera de la Lora. In close connection with the integral vision of the space, other works and research projects in which it participates are involved in the study of rural heritage and agrarian heritage landscapes. Mention should be made of the last two MINECO R & D Research Projects of which he was a member: Paisajes patrimoniales de la España interior septentrional y occidental (2013/2015) y Paisajes culturales de la lista del Patrimonio Mundial. Claves para su identificación y criterios para su gestión (2017/2019).

It also works on heritage issues and their dissemination in relation to tourism within the Multidisciplinary Research Group of the University of Burgos Communication, dissemination and advertising of culture and heritage (CAYPAT), of which it has been a founding member since 2005 and with which it has developed numerous research projects in relation to the study of the territorial heritage and its enhancement.

Pr. Carmen MÍNGUEZ GARCÍA (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain).

Thematic 7

A more sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

  Professor Contracted Doctor of the Department of Human Geography of the Complutense University of Madrid. Doctor of Geography, degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Master in Cultural Heritage Management from the Complutense University of Madrid and expert in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. His research has been developed within the research group "Tourism, Heritage and Development" (ref. UCM-93011., participating in numerous research projects and publications on the relations and interdependencies between tourism and historic cities, as well as in the study of the role of tourism in the new processes of urban recovery and, especially in the promotion of cultural heritage and in the functional revitalization of historic centers and monumental areas of cities. In this context, in recent years, Professor Mínguez has worked on the relations between tourism and urbanism in the Royal Sites, the influx and profile of tourists in historic cities (Ávila Tourist Observatory) and on pilgrimage destinations. Currently, he has incorporated into his research into the use of Big (Geo) data (social networks and photo-sharing services) for the study, planning and management of destinations. She has participated in several research projects of competitive calls (Plan Nacional de I+D+i) and in numerous research contracts with institutions such as the municipalities of Ávila, Segovia or Salamanca, the Necropolis of Carmona Archaeological Site or National Heritage. He has taught at different postgraduate degrees in Geography, Architecture and Archaeology, in Spain and Mexico. He is a member of the Association of Spanish Geographers (Grupo de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación) and the Spanish Association of Heritage Managers.

Pr. Joan JOFRE (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Thematic 8
Microbial quality of wastewater.

  Professor Joan Jofre, member of the Research Group Microbiologia d'Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (Health-related Water Microbiology, MARS) of the UB, is the new president of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona (RACAB), an institution with more than 250 years of history in the promotion of scientific and technological knowledge in the city.

Joan Jofre is an expert on the study of the presence and persistence of pathogenic microorganisms of faecal-oral route transmissions and their indicators in water, and is one of the promoters of Bluephage, a new spin-off by the University of Barcelona which aims to provide -with bacteriophages- with better tools for the analysis of the water microbiological quality. Author of more than two-hundred publications in high-impact scientific journals, he presided over the Group Microbiologia d'Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (health-related water microbiology) -which belongs to the International Water Association (IWA) and the Work Group of the International Organization for Standarization (ISO), working on the standardization of microbiological methods applied to water microbiological analysis. Member of the American Academy of Microbiology (United States), among other entities, he received the Narcis Monturiol Medal for scientific and technological merit by the Generalitat de Catalunya (1997)

Pr. Manuel  

JAIME BAEZA (University of Alicante, Spain).

Thematic 9 

The problem of forest fires in the mediterranean region.

 Manuel Jaime Baeza develops his research as a senior associate researcher at the CEAM since 2017. His research focuses on the study of the dynamics of the Mediterranean vegetation after wildfire, the ecology of species with high risk of fire and the development of fuel elimination techniques to reduce the risk of fire. He has participated in more than 40 research projects in this field between national and international projects of which 5 have been financed by the European Commission. Of these investigations he is the author of more than 50 publications, of which 35 are published in specialized international magazines and books


Pr. Chaouki

BENABBAS (University of Constantine 3, Algeria)
Thematic 10  Integrating natural hazards into management plans.

  Professor, PhD in Geology; Mineralogy, University of Moscou"Lomonossov", Vice-Rector of external relations, of cooperation, animation, communication and scientific manifestations; Member of the scientific council of the university  (UC3); Member of the scientific council of the Polytechnic school Constantine ; Expert at the CRUEST; Coordinator of the project: Yebda (ERASMUS+ Strengthening of relations between higher education and the wider economic and social environment: 2017-2020); Coordinator of the project: MEHmed (Mediterranean environmental change management, Project Number: 598826-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) ; Finalized Research Projects (15); International scientific production (72); Published educational works: 3.